MNGI’s Registered Dietitians see patients virtually and in most of our clinic locations.
Our MNGI registered dietitians are here to support your gut health by helping you optimize your nutrition and improve your GI symptoms.
We provide individualized nutrition care for a variety of GI conditions relying on evidenced -based medical nutrition therapy to guide our plan of care.
We will review your current symptoms, diet and lifestyle to help guide us in a discussion to determine what modifications or small changes can be made to help you achieve symptom management.
We will provide tools and resources to help you navigate your daily life. (Note: we do not specifically work with weight management unless related to GI concerns and we do not have the capabilities to create individual meal plans).
Dietitians are available for virtual visits and in-person visits at our Coon Rapids, Eagan, Lakeville, Maple Grove, Northeast (peds only), Vadnais Heights and Woodbury locations.
We support the adult and pediatric population.
If you would like to visit with one of our registered dietitians, please contact your MNGI provider for a referral.
What to Expect
During your initial visit, a follow up plan will be made for ongoing nutrition care.
New dietitian visits are scheduled for 60 minutes and follow up visits are scheduled for 30 minutes.
At your first visit, your dietitian will:
-Walk you back to a clinic room and may obtain a weight and height.
-Discuss your reason for referral and any additional questions or concerns you may have.
-Provide education and counseling on an appropriate nutrition plan to aid in your MNGI medical care.
-Create a plan with you for follow up nutrition visits.
Billing and Insurance
Most private insurance plans and Medicaid cover Registered Dietitian visits at MNGI. We are in network with most major payers like BCBS, Medica, HealthPartners, and UCare. We recommend checking with your insurance for coverage prior to your visit.
Medicare and most Medicare advantage plans do not cover this service. If you have Medicare and need to see a dietitian, an ABN notification will need to be completed prior to the visit.
Please visit our website at for a price quote.
If you have a balance due after insurance, MNGI offers flexible payment plans. Please contact the Business Office at 612-871-1145 to discuss payment plan options or request a Financial Assistance Application.