Coon Rapids Coon Rapids

Coon Rapids Endoscopy Center & Clinic

★★★★★ 4.7 out of 5 ( 4346 Ratings | 1350 Comments )

9145 Springbrook Drive NW
Suites: #200 (Clinic) / #300 (Endoscopy Center)
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
United States

Comments are gathered from our Patient Satisfaction Survey and displayed in their entirety. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
★★★★★ 3.5 out of 5 reviewed on 11 March 2020

Because of Dr Grudell I have already recommended this practice to others.

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 reviewed on 1 March 2020

Very good experience.

★★★★★ 3.1 out of 5 reviewed on 29 February 2020

I'd recommend the practice but not the doctor I saw

★★★★★ 4.4 out of 5 reviewed on 27 February 2020

I was pleased with my appointment in all ways THANK YOU.

★★★★★ 4.4 out of 5 reviewed on 27 February 2020


★★★★★ 5 out of 5 reviewed on 25 February 2020

I felt reassured and confident with my treatment on the way out.

★★★★★ 4.4 out of 5 reviewed on 10 February 2020

I was impressed with the options offered for scheduling the procedure.

★★★★★ 2.3 out of 5 reviewed on 6 February 2020

I was advised to see a GI doctor to confirm my rectal pain was a fissure. My primary physician and the ER doctor both thought it might be, but only because other reasons for the pain were ruled out. The MNGI doctor did nothing except prescribe a cream. I didn't know anything more about what was going on than I did before.

★★★★★ 2.9 out of 5 reviewed on 5 February 2020

I think that the staff are great. However my doctor was really difficult to talk to and can be difficult to get an answer or response from when directly spoken to.

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 reviewed on 4 February 2020


*If you are having a procedure and planning a bus route home, you must have a responsible adult accompany you home after the procedure.