SuPrep Prep

Thank you for choosing MNGI Digestive Health for your colonoscopy procedure. A colonoscopy is the most accurate test to detect colon cancer and polyps and identify other conditions that may be causing pain or discomfort.

IMPORTANT: We have several different colonoscopy prep instructions. It is important that you pay close attention to your own prep instructions and check to make sure you are following the instructions recommended by your doctor.


This page includes preparation instructions for colonoscopy procedures. This includes procedures like colonoscopy, colonoscopy with chromoendoscopy, colonoscopy with SBE, colonoscopy with upper endoscopy or halo, colonoscopy with double balloon, PillCam with colonoscopy, EMR/ESD lower, and Colonoscopy with IMT.


  • You can take most prescription and non-prescription medications right up to the day of the colonoscopy.
  • Stop medications that contain iron and fiber supplements 7 days prior to your procedure.
  • Blood thinners may need to be temporarily discontinued prior to procedure. The length of time you will need to stop your medication depends upon which drug you are taking. Our office will work with your prescribing provider to obtain hold orders and communicate them to you before your procedure.
  • You will need to temporarily discontinue GLP-1 medications (such as Ozempic or Trulicity) prior to your procedure.
  • Take your usual morning medicines, especially those for blood pressure, at least four hours prior to your procedure with a small amount of water.

Responsible Person:

A responsible person needs to be with you at check in, go with you after discharge, drive you home after your procedure and help you with follow up care. This takes about 2 hours from check-in to discharge. You will not be able to drive a car, use machinery, or go to work until the next day. Failure to bring a responsible person will result in your appointment being rescheduled.

Some patients may have temporary memory loss after the procedure because of monitored anesthesia care. You may want a responsible person with you during your discharge to take notes and ask questions about your follow up care. If the patient is under 18 or has a legal guardian, the legal guardian must be with the patient for check-in. If the legal guardian is not able to be with the patient at check in, they will need to be available by phone during the procedure and discharge.

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