Colon Cancer Screening
A complete exam of the colon with colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colon cancer screening and is regarded as the best method with minimal complications. Colonoscopy is the only colon cancer screening test that can find and remove polyps to prevent the development of cancer. Most insurance companies and Medicare will cover the cost of colonoscopy for colon cancer screening. Colonoscopy is typically repeated every 10 years for patients without polyps or a family history of colon polyps or colon cancer. If polyps are found, earlier follow up may be necessary.
For patients who do not want a colonoscopy, FIT testing and Cologuard are options for average risk individuals only. These tests are not appropriate for someone with risk factors, like a family or personal history of polyps or colorectal cancer or someone experiencing symptoms. If FIT or Cologuard are positive, a colonoscopy is required. It is important to note that if FIT is negative, then repeat testing must occur in every year. If Cologuard is negative, then repeat testing must occur every 3 years.
Before you schedule your procedure or stool-based testing, please make sure to check coverage with your insurance provider.
For more information on each screening test, please visit the links below: